GEM AND ROCK VENTURES CO. LTD. is a limited Liability Company, Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance, Cap. 212 of the laws of Tanzania (Revised). It holds certificate and conducts lawful business in accordance with all the appropriate laws of this country relevant to its main objects clause and functions:
possessed of valid business licences and be appropriated to the functions being undertaken dully issued by the proper authorities that be.
It is among our objects and functions to execute works such as follows:-
A) Mining and Trading in Gemstones.
B) Building and Civil Engineering contractor (CLASS V)
C) Construction of sewerage, Tunnels and weirs.
D) Drilling of Bore Holes
E) The cleaning of Bore Holes
F) Re – construction of Collapsed bore hole
G) Carrying out fishing and pumping test for various
clients who engage use at momentary consideration in performing the works under contract.
The firm has three subsidiaries named:-
· Mining and Gemstone Trading
· Construction, Engineering and Civil works.
· Drilling of borehole construction, Ground Water
prospecting and bore hole yield capacity testing.