Working with our firm means working with highly productive water solutions. What’s more, the people you work with are the best, with the ability to listen and  to understand the diverse needs of our customers. This approach requires experience and knowledge, presence, flexibility and involvement in their processes.  It means making customer relations and service a priority. Through interaction innovation and continuous drive to improve the way we do things – we help our customers achieve results.

Committed to yours superior productivity:

It is among our objects and function to execute those as listed below: –

  • Drilling of bore holes
  • Service, maintenance and rehabilitation of Boreholes
  • Ground water prospecting by applying modern state technology
  • bbCarrying out bore Hole fishing operations and re – construction of the collapsed boreholes.
  • Boreholes yield capacity testing.
  • bbbProcessing and providing the borehole Registration number from the Tanzania Government for the particular drilled bore hole

2. Site selection and Investigation:

A desk study is usually conducted which almost invariably involves there view of opography, geological and vegetation maps, as well as gelogical, climatological And Site investigation reports.  This is followed by site reconnaissance visits, which can help to validate information obtained during the desk study.

Field work generally provides key technological data such as:

  • The sequence of soil and rock strata with depth.
  • Depth to bedrock.
  • The distribution of soil and rock over the study area.
  • Discontinuity intensities of rock at the site.
  • Prediction of bedrock topography.
  • Ground water distribution and seasonal variation.
  • General direction of ground water flow consequent contaminant threat of  leachate  to  ground water resources.
  • Aquifer properties.